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PARALOCK 3 universal paragliding carabiner

The new Paralock 3 is a universal paragliding carabiner with important safety features that can save your life in a variety of dangerous situations.

The next generation paragliding carabiner is not only useful for emergency water landings and high wind conditions on the ground, its quick-release function also makes it possible to prevent dangerous interactions between the reserve and the paraglider and to make use of the possibility to steer the reserve.



Advantages over conventional paragliding carabiners

  • Allows to disconnect the paraglider after an emergency parachute deployment. By this, an increased sink rate due to the interaction between the reserve and the paraglider and also the risk of downplaning by the paraglider can be avoided.
  • Helpful for handling in strong winds or for emergency water landings in breaking waves or on rivers.
  • Long service life without the problems of material fatigue.
  • Intuitive and safe operation with additional blocking option.
  • Easy and twist-free installation on almost any harness.
  • No need to carry a crosscut knife.
  • 28 kN breaking load at only 75 g weight.


Video Paralock 3 handling



Videos showing situations where the Paralock would have been useful after a reserve deployment

A 1-minute video shows a downplane situation.

A 1-minute long video shows the attempt to pull in the main glider. 


Complex processing of high quality materials

The sophisticated forging process enables the Paralock 3 to be manufactured with a high surface quality despite the high degree of deformation. The forging of the high-strength material Titanal provides additional material reinforcement, resulting in a low weight of only 75 g with a breaking load of 2.8 kN. The steel parts are made of hardened chrome steel, the plastic parts are made of the oil-resistant and low-wear plastic POM, and the swivel lever has a hard-anodised coating for low-friction dry running.


Proven fatigue strength

Unlike conventional paragliding carabiners, the Paralock’s lock is form-fit, so the dynamic stress relevant to material fatigue in flight is only a fraction. It has survived the fatigue test of 2.000 load changes at 525 DaN top load and then 5 million load changes at 240,5 DaN at an accredited materials testing institute without damage. This is equivalent to 5 years of tandem operation with unlimited flight hours. The maximum recommended service life for mono paragliding use is 8 years, with no risk of material fatigue even with extended use.


Video Paralock field tests

The Paralock has undergone extensive field testing during its development.
A 47-second video shows how easy it is to disconnect the paraglider after an emergency parachute deployment.



finsterwalder-paralock-entsichern-oeffnen  finsterwalder-paralock-blocking
 Unlocking, opening   Blocking of the release lever


 finsterwalder-paralock-positions-1  finsterwalder-paralock-positions-2 finsterwalder-paralock-positions-3
 Insert the riser Place the lock on the lever bearing  Swing the lever up and release it:
The Paralock locks automatically


Easy installation on almost any harness



Art. Name Breaking load Weight Price (€/pc.)
HKar130  PARALOCK 3 2.800 DaN 75 g 84,00



Speed system separation links 

Die Befestigung der Gleitschirmtragegurte ist ähnlich wie beim konventionellen Karabiner. Der Quickpin-Verschluss verfügt über eine automatische Verriegelung. Er ist so gestaltet, dass zum Öffnen zwei unterschiedliche manuelle Handlungen erforderlich sind: Das Drücken des Entriegelungsknopfs und ein Ziehen des Bolzens in entgegengesetzter Richtung.
Das Lösen der Tragegurte nach der Landung ist beim Pin Lock einfacher als beim Schnappverschluss Karabiner.
Damit bei extremen Starkwindverhältnissen ein ordnungsgemäßes Befestigen der Tragegurte am Karabiner sichergestellt ist, muss der Gleitschirm vor dem Anlegen des Gurtzeugs am Karabiner befestigt werden. Das gilt für konventionelle Karabiner wie für Pin Lock.
Bei Beachtung der Betriebsanleitung können selbst im extremen Winterbetrieb Vereisungsprobleme zuverlässig vermieden werden.

A speed system separation link is required to allow complete disconnection of the paraglider when a quick release carabiner is operated. The speed system separation link is activated automatically when the carabiner is opened. CHARLY offers three types of speed system separation links:



paralock3-betriebsanleitung manuel-paralock3 trennsystem-easy-release easy-release-manual
PARALOCK 3 Carabiner
Manuel d`instruction
Paralock 3 Mousqueton
Separat. system Brummelhook
Separat. system Easy Release


manual-bluedisc platzhalter150x110 trennsystem-easy-release easy-release-manual
PARALOCK 3 Blue Disc


Infos zur Karabinerproblematik

white-paper sincotec sincotec-pruefbericht sincotec-pinlock
 White Paper
Risk of material fatigue
Sincotec test specification
only available in german
 Sincotec test report
only available in german
 Pinlock endurance test
only available in german