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Shipping addresses for service works

versandadressenPlease note: The store in Seeg is closed.
The shipping addresses for service works are:
CHARLY PG + HG rescue systems and harnesses: FS Hochries
CHARLY UL rescue systems: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
NOVA PG to be shipped to a service partner from NOVA
Hanggliders and belt buckles to Finsterwalder & Charly Munich

Overview: Shipping addresses for service works

Innovation DIAMONDcross:

Simpel, sicher, steuerbar!

Simple, safe, optionally steerable.
The advantages of the DIAMONDcross cruciform canopy at a glance. 
Test videos, video about packing and performance by Tom Grabner. 
>> To the Videos

Newly Finsterwalder & Charly webshop

neuer OnlineshopFinally it is online! The newly designed Finsterwalder & Charly webshop. We are looking forward to your visit at and hope you enjoy browsing through our product range!
Since for technical reasons it is not possible to transfer your existing user account, please register again on the new webshop. Feel free to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. us if you have any questions or comments!

New Charly Fleece Paragliding Gloves

hm18-ws-fleee-handschuhThe popular Charly paragliding gloves for the summer also have a palm made out of heatable wristlets and a touch function ...more info!

BUCHTIP: Fluggebiete in Europa


Panorama - gliding europe
Das Buch übermittelt mit 448 Seiten in Wort und Bild alles ­Wissenswerte zu über 250 Flug­gebieten in Europa inkl. ­Hinweise zu geeigneten Wetterlagen und Jahreszeit. Angaben zu Thermik-, Streckenflug- und Soaring­möglich­keiten. ...mehr Infos!

Quick-Out carabiner safety notice

hkar12-quickoutDear customers, on 15 November 2016, the faulty assembly of a Quick-Out carabiner lead to its accidental opening. The pilot had dismounted both of the Quick-Out's release buttons and later re-installed them in swapped positions. Swapping the release buttons is dangerous to life. In our instruction manual, we hence point out that the release button located on the opposite side of the installation slot must not be dismounted when attaching the carabiner to the harness. ...more info!

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Catalogue 2024


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